Monday, November 22, 2010

LA Notes

Symbolism - a symbol is a word or image that represents something else. The eagle is a symbol for the United States. The red maple leaf represents Canada. The dove is a symbol for peace. The colour white symbolizes purity.

Poets/songwriters use the symbol frequently because it often has a strong emotional impact as in the song Blackbird by Paul McCartney. The blackbird is not a bird at all, but represents the black race of people.

Simile – compares two or more unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Examples include: The elephant is like a rope. The ice was as smooth as glass. She is as tall as a giraffe. The teacher is like a drill sergeant.

Metaphor - compares two or more unlike things NOT using the words 'like' or 'as'. Examples include: The giraffe dunked the basketball. The noisy children were a carnival ride out of control. I am a brain in PRA.

Personification - giving human qualities to an idea, animal or object. Examples include: June bug plucking his guitar. The oversized coat swallowed me whole. The hole punch ate the sheet of looseleaf. The alarm clock was yelling at me this morning.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome Grade 7CDE

This blog will be used primarily as a discussion opportunity during class assignments. More news to come as the year progesses.